Ad_Page.indd 1 8217 745 PM 2 TOTI.COM SEPTOCT 2017 3_GM_SO17.indd 713 3 34 GALLERIES GALORE If art cleanses our souls, then Fort Myers is a good place to be rejuvenated with its diverse range of galleries and visual artists in all mediums, classical visionary. The city the nexus regular events that nudge viewers from confines their comfort zones, along organizations alliances advocate educate. 40 CREATIVE CLASS GULF GOLF Florida flush creative types. Much this talent draws inspiration states beauty. In Lee County alone these designers, photographers, produce 140 million annual activity-- supporting thousands jobs generating some 18.8 government revenues. 48 Cypress Lake Country Club 50 Historic 46 Practical Tips Ffor Enjoying Game on cover 4 Nettie Bennett Rose Burstein by day are working mothers wives. And once or twice week they become Boom Rosie Luxure, dance instructors sparkling heels bedazzled corsets leading group women learning burlesque. Find out more about lost form starting page 30. Cover photo Courtesy Alexa Luxe Photography 5 10 PUBLISHERS LETTER 12 MAKING WAVES SoCo Cool Celebrating Southwest Floridians 14 COASTAL COMMERCE 16 WHATS IN STORE Scoop Local Retailers ARTS 18 Multi-Medium Mastery 21 Howard Alan Events 22 Meet Marcus Thomas 23 CULTURE Secret Weapon Is Faith Roy Hobbs World Series Products Help You Look Your Best Burlesque Dancer Next Door Dont Forget Play Wildlife, Nature FUN Little Palm Island Never Ever Too Late Gin Hot Again A Guide Dining SW Where Go What Do Murder Chartered 30 24 OUTDOORS 28 BEAUTY FASHION 53 FOR KIDS 54 EXPLORER 56 STAYCATION 58 ON THE RADAR 60 CHEERS 62 EPICURIOUS RECIPE 68 CALENDAR 71 BETWEEN LINES PETS 72 Gulf Coast Humane Society 73 Domestic Animal Services 74 CROSSWORD 76 STARGAZING WITH NORMA R. HAGAN 78 COMMUNITY Happy Halloween 6 79 SERVICES PROFESSIONALS 80 AROUND TOWN OUR NEXT ISSUE Eat well travel often. you think idea, NovDec issue definitely for you. Well give lowdown most interesting local restaurants food trends. Plus, if youre planning next getaway, great ideas places visit here beyond. MAIN ISSN 1521-1207 published six times year TOTI Media, Inc., P.O. Box 1227, Sanibel, FL 33957. 7 GROUP PUBLISHER Daniela E. Jaeger EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Craig Garrett Elizabeth Grimm MANAGING EDITOR Brigid OMalley OUTREACH MANAGER Melanie Heisinger DIGITAL CONTENT ENGAGEMENT Mandy Carter CONTRIBUTOR Kevin Haslam SENIOR Beth Luberecki CONSULTING Susan Holly CUISINE TRAVEL David Grant CONTRIBUTING Acevedo Rene Novelle Doug Gallogly DIRECTOR Brian Stromlund GRAPHIC DESIGN Dana Long PROOFREADER WRITERS Acevedo, Gina Birch, Carter, Cathy Chestnut, Garrett, Kristine Gill, Kathleen Grey, Norma Hagan, Teri Hansen, Dayna Harpster, Luberecki, Kelly Madden, Glenn Miller, Ann Marie OPhelan PHOTOGRAPHERSARTISTS Tania Begg, Mila Bridger, Clyde Butcher, William Cox, Rusty Farst, Indi Franco, Kathy Brenda Kensler, Harry Lichtcsien, Photography, Jeremy Spink, Thomas, Greg Wagner, Wierima ADVERTISING SALES Kristoffer Stewart 239-472-0205, ext. 103 Joe Yapello 104 Friedrich N. 102 100 Dru Anne Doyle 109 Michael Rawers 107 OFFICE ADMINISTRATION, SUBSCRIPTIONS CREDIT CARD ORDERS Marannano 106 WEBMASTER Philip Lippard, Sanibel Logic ENGINE Ostrovsky Ryan Frisch, Locable Publisher Network CONNECT US facebook.comtotimediamagazines facebook.comgulfandmainmagazine twitter.comtotimedia pinterest.comtotimedia instagram.comtotimedia E-MAIL INQUIRIES totimedia.comcontactus Island, 33957 T F 239-395-2125 New York Representative Office 800-472-0634 FounderChairman President Guy Tober Vice PresidentC.O.O. S. Financial Administrator Jacqueline Times Islands Subscription price 24.00 one-year domestic subscription. Copyright 1996 Inc. All rights reserved. No part publication may reproduced without written permission publisher. Opinions expressed contributors not necessarily those 8 9 When Less More I Taking steps simplify add joy life d been thinking lot way do things. get busy things clutter, affecting feelings moods. wanted take hard look at my complete further streamline doing My goal was achieve an even happier less stressful life. first thing evaluate whether were going through motions each day, really aware what doing. Routine can sometimes helpful. Its easier tying your shoes pulling socks. But little too cluttered patterns came learn as critical happiness had thought. This new effort relates physical, emotional mental clutter. Perhaps many us simply daily routine realizing lives should truly about. Life have purpose. we distractions detours way, opportunity stay course succeed, upbeat positive. Stress leads down so bad streets. started plan experiment. purposefully went house removed items room. Youd shocked seems like small making such big difference. It amazing served purpose importance home importantly, act clearing stuff also uncluttered mind, moving clear direction allowed me positive outlook. That step toward simplified turning phone off after oclock evening, reading watching TV. learned make difference life, awareness important. certainly havent slept years mind clear, spirit calming, blood pressure outlook sunny Florida. obvious multitasking good, better, productive person. Literally stopping smell flowers, focusing happening now, now enjoy focus energy. Our days overcrowded clutterso accomplish, material feel need but likely dont outside influences running around inside head, which overwhelming. Wed decluttering, only physical sense, mindset well. We work discovering whats important could set aside tossed altogether. Freeing yourselves clearly fewer things, Ill bet find being done ... better end results. Change scares everyone, thats just human nature. taught much possible. true delight living smarter, finding fulfillment getting stuff, putting into yourself who love. invite open Arts, Design Fashion issue, hopefully inspire maybe freshen spaces bit attention. Group Publisher, Media PHOTO BY RUSTY FARST 11 Making Waves salute residents, businesses Floridas island coast community special CRAIG GARRETT Health CEO Steps Aside Jim Nathan slowing CEOpresident left his role May. Dr. Larry Antonucci assumed leadership position June. Why leave After serving last four decades, very 247 responsibility, found myself felt signal prepare organization effective succession transition. MIDDLE LEFT AND TOP RIGHT COURTESY OF LEE HEALTH TM job JN always seen enabler. So best has associated people perform miracles every night. Biggest challenge health administration Strengthen collaboration ways reduce care fragmentation. Advice successors Continue reducing fragmentation delivery, while constant improvement quality operational efficiency. Additionally, partner help provide education activities focused healthy lifestyles. North Academy Arts selected exemplary school Schools ASN. K-8 public designated Department Education Achieve Model School curriculum includes dance, theater, music arts. ASN will honor Oct. 25 conference Minnesota. 13 Artists carve neighborhood niche south Colonial KATHY GREY heres SoHo Manhattan, SoMa San Francisco SoCo. Climbing aboard branding strategy previously neglected U.S. neighborhoods rich culture, Cultural District launched October 2016. brainchild artist offers collaborative experience arts area Boulevard--thus, Featuring cultural venues Royal Square anchored Broadway Dinner Theatre Alliance campus south, happenings scheduled 6-10 p.m. second Saturday month. Roughly miles River monthly ArtWalk, communitys Ironically, catalyst creating ArtWalk struggling downtown where he opened gallery. business thought it would cool gallery night month, says, convinced board introduced 2008. Over years, entertainment staple folks stroll, eat drink, people-watch District. April 2016 DAAS CO-OP, cooperative, stones throw Boulevard Myers. Opening night, ridiculous number people--more than 500. huge. People excited see something new, says. He soon reclaimed vision art-focused happening, inviting fellow tenants nearby join celebration Colonial. Will Prather, executive producer owner Theatre, immediately, lending endeavor theaters community. jumped showcase opening doors one evening Swedish Affair, Yoga Bird, Suzannes Dance Fitness, Catch Live Music Sports Bar, other signed on. Lydia Black, director Bill Taylor, artistic Conspiracy, CO-OP leader promoting center. GALLERY Happenings month 239-590-8645 1400 Blvd., Ste. 84, 1380 239-278-4422 10091 McGregor 239-939-2787 Conspiracy artinlee.orgtheatre center, top right bottom left. Megan Burkhead performs right, vendors sell creations middle right. Alliances resident performing company, embraced program, SoCos celebrations be. invited independent artisans craftspeople participate, adding another dimension event. From May, line walkways displaying wares drawings, hand-woven baskets, jewelry, stuffed animals, soaps, snacks, sachets hand-crafted goods. Whatever earn theirs, notes. Art exhibits short distance Square, nights. Thats presents 10-minute plays 630 730 p.m., perfect keeping momentum experiences flowing. As weather permits, move outdoor platform stage, Taylor Across campus, Union Artist Studios OcasioCasa Studio celebrations, Historical Society, grounds. brilliant idea bringing together galleries, says Melissa Vogt, marketing Palm, 25th season. Theres Myers, family-friendly area, she adds. opens evenings, including exhibit provided hung bar air-conditioned lobby seating. final touch Palms after-party when guests cabaret performance cast members complimentary hors doeuvres. brings option Florida, Everything involves artists. cant own. want grow artistically culturally--for come time. Just here, how it. Grey writer frequent contributor Media. MAP SOCO OTHER PHOTOS 15 Whats GINA BIRCH Giving java extra kick, Bad Larrys clever cross between coffee beer. market, canned beverage combines cold brew malt. steeped hours infused nitrogen frothy fun. 9.99 pack Coffee Fancy Files copper wire, wall-mountable file box UBrands both functional beautiful array office accessories match. On mission back community, donates portion proceeds Kids Need Foundation. Drink Tops annoying bugs landing glass wine. steel screen wine covers allows breathe debris bay outdoors. They plastic cups. 19.95 - 24.95 package andor affiliates cannot held responsible changes, writing mistakes products stock. Fair Trade others fair trade, retro-looking beaded paisley earrings. Handmade Guatemala colorful Czech Japanese seed beads, style available variety colors. 32 Pattern Pouch fun, bright sayings, pouch designs LA stashing essentials bag. Also beach-inspired lined LAs signature pink. Ritz-Carlton, Naples, Beads With Benefits fashion accessory hidden benefits, bronzite bracelet essential oils stress increase motivation. Made genuine gemstones 14K gold-filled African trade bead accents, neutral hues easy pair outfits. 69 17 Beggs limitless creativity, liking her Lizzart DAVID ACEVEDO artists, predilection specific medium comes organically. Years experimentation often propose choice. Practice dedication yield production inventory body work. case plethora mediums forms masterpiecespaintings, beadwork sculptures. Her ability master uncanny proven multiple accolades received throughout career. Begg known tri-dimensional natural gemstone sculptures, festive Lizzart. Some pieces gained national recognition profiles popular Bead Button magazine, gold medal lizard named Zena. Originally London, 1965. She trained cosmetologist, York, Boca Raton, 1977, shifted meeting Lloyd Bermuda. marked exciting chapter everything behind quest raise family. traveled United States Canada 1977 Volkswagen pop-top camper, looking start together. father-in-laws death 1987, acknowledge wonderment world me. --Tania Discovering stone began fabricating wire-frame critters, earning ovations. THIS OPPOSITE PAGE TANIA BEGG fresh, cruising 30-foot sailboat, using Bermuda base. during homeschooled couples three children, expressing creativity clothes painting vessel. resettled 1997. decided needed break sailing. Cape Coral, canals, eventually bring boat home, sculptures jewelry fun shows mastery yet medium. 19 critters inventory. reinvents day. --Lloyd artist, writer, curator winner Culture FACE Awards founder Gallery Gifts. bachelors degree University Puerto Rico, Mayagez Campus. 20 HOWARD ALAN EVENTS same year. discovered real turned menagerie ranging fish, frogs, cats, snakes, turtles dragonflies. 1998, sculptor under tutelage late Jean Inman. Sadly, fall broken hand halted sculpting, before allowing pieces, giraffe head made 46-pound alabaster stone, instance. Jewelry naturally, taking silversmithing classes Coral Studio, incorporating creations. Not settle lone medium, sculptural work, training techniques air-drying clay, Scotch tape tissue paper. delivered masterful re-creation Michelangelos bust, lifelike herons, roosters parrots. wonderment, admires wifes ever-present inspiration. waterfall sensory keep up wants express, Lloyd, married over years. thank lucky stars, because Ellen Bianchi, founding member Harborview worked diverse, additive subtractive sculpture acrylic paintings Bianchi Begg. Each piece quality, carefully chosen materials skilled craftsmanship. talented abstract painter, canvas whimsical musical touches. approach bold, letting colors texture focal point. escape reality, morphs fit mood, me, commonplace engineer interpretation, let noticed different light, concludes finds needs heart. firm produces shows, plans 85 H oward nations biggest promoters shows. former chiropractor, retail shop Plantation, model 1980s, Jupiter operated Debbie date having exhibited 10,000 asked trade. secret First show patron ever seen. filled color, excitement contain imagine. There everyone. points vary earrings 100,000 bronze statute. cardinal rule person created masterpiece there representing own respective Therefore, meet inspired them create used relationship artist. venue successful high-end districts parking, dine artist-savvy patrons love appreciate art. These high demographic audience support attract refer junkies. lovers weekend show. mini staycation, whereas art, shopping nice places. Most exhibitors HA Jewelers best, walls woman enough Things 35 ago, today. close major street no internet everyone read newspaper then. Today full-time social media specialist, publicist, digital buyer, graphic traditional etc., sure word Single greatest thrill To able stand front tremendous crowd walking around, carrying purchased arms, successful. depend HAE living. Special rain clouds away listen report go shine. diehard art-lovers still umbrellas buy Eighty-five difficult Yes, today thisand cities, police, politicians logistical servicesyou psychologist, worker, mediator, anthropologist lots Xanax promoted Floridians. Their headquartered Jupiter, inspires, passion guides GOLDEN FLIGHT M arcus 1986 accident him paralyzed. uses mouth control paintbrush exquisite artwork. wife, Anne, divide time Carolina. shared insights function kept engaged fast-moving share fresh sharing creation spin stories glorify beauty iconic object. neck-breaking snow-skiing accident, compromised diaphragm, communication weak voice voice, continues strength. unique power stimulate senses, reminding regardless paralysis, am alive An MT Remaining honest passionate towards expression demands cloud perspective rising above commercial limitation paramount stimulating paintings. Let guide Has changed Eyes wide describes perfectly lurk everywhere books, movies, backyard, lyrics, travel, news, dreams never ideas. young Follow heart, creating. applies starting, unrealistic expectation slow journey, frustration disappointment motivator. At Michaelangelos illustrious career, said disappointed hang Following rehab, watercolor kit. His collectible sells galleries. ARTWORK MARCUS THOMAS CEOs story surviving cancer, R TERI HANSEN aising family priorities 2001. completed ballroom competition, hobby conditioned spirit. risk factors 39 seemed count on, didnt expect change. breast cancer. diagnosis feels kick gut completely upside down. diagnosed 2001 aggressive medical team reacted equally surgery treatment. Within two weeks underwent surgery, revealed Stage cancer lymph nodes. swift treatment protocol required, months chemotherapy radiation clinical trial. order call employee prayer. One one, prayed them, giving trust caring clients build previous nine Having situation, forced trust. choice rely team, family, friends faith. level before. system resumed continued weapon journey faith, frequently message faith patients. recall chemo nurse telling afterward, describing detail horrendous symptoms come. response Youre boss said. Im sick say so. Mental strength unwillingness accept predications survival. entertained any thoughts involve result, experienced minimal side effects. normal, continuing teach lessons least live moment. faced treatment, couldnt long hand. know present, taken priority became asked, practical advice facing willing encouragement journey. Hansen president Priority Marketing Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Countys No. amateur event, returns GLENN MILLER since 1993, growing teams 240. 4,000 ballplayers age arrive October. ROY HOBBS BASEBALLGREG WAGNER PHOTOGRAPHY fictional baseball natural, freakishly gifted player prodigious home-run power. legendary author Bernard Malamud novel Natural. played decades natural. did play Series, wore uniforms, laced spikes satisfying kerplunk fly balls plopping glove centerfield. siren song lured playing game youth 40s. seductive song, players JetBlue Park, CenturyLink Complex, City Park Terry Park. near far. 1990s early 2000s, drove few ballparks. Others farther. Russian example, participates. Teams Nova Scotia Washington, Rico California, Massachusetts Wearing uniform enjoying camaraderie dugout, bonding teammates youth, magical. Although longer play, Series. Tom Giffen recent write programs newsletter, Inside Pitch. means players, men game, revel chance again. directive simple. stories. usually wander parks seeking walked past parking lot. sharp black-and-white uniform, eye-black smeared eyes. struck different. woman. Before reached lot, chat. Jan Yuvan 52-year-old outfielder Chicago called Windy Warriors. Like tournament, simple reason shares them. yoga instructor told Therere learn, pace, cerebral nature guys, banter dugout is. Baseball field man succeed ten considered performer. --Ted Williams gloves spikes, fields grass sunshine sport competition. Oh, crack bat website words SWING gloves. baseball, opportunity. FENCES doesnt hurt warmer avid student game. Scotia, Moscow. Baseballs luring 29 During falls met County. nearly 82-year-old shortstop Tony Esposito, starts 21-Nov. 18, Jersey Cardinals. 1953, batit ka-ching cash registers. Lots contract 7,500 bonus St. ka-chinging. study Louis Browns. mother hit sports ranked hotel room lottery, nights 13,746, direct spending 8.47 total majors, fall, 63 later, economic impact 14.1 million. baseball. resist baseballs song. Players infuse economy dollars. Freelance Miller ball, 26 714 27 Are lipstick lover face cream fanatic Then place. Every fabulous fragrances, luxurious lotions, must-have makeup in-between. Because laid-back surfer babe product junkie, feel. BETH LUBERECKI SCENT SENSITIVE fragrances sensitive certain scents, check Kai line. developed Gaye Straza reason. looked tropics scent, gardenia exotic white flowers. result makes celeb devotees Jennifer Aniston, Julia Roberts Reese Witherspoon. Pursuit 239-4724600, carries line, perfume oil eau de parfum 76, wash 37, butter 52. scent shores, pleasant remind idyllic vacation. DAY Instagram filter. Biobelles Iwokeuplikethis sheet mask 4.99. Ingredients free-radical fighter vitamin C brighten sun spots dull patches restore skins clarity, youthful, rosy glow. masks Tencel fiber helps adhere easily facial contours, delivering antioxidants faster deeper applying serum. Use bed ready morning selfie comments asking secret. pick Biobelle products, Ulta Bell Tower Shops 239334-0659, Coconut Point Estero 239-992-0361 Belk Surfside 239-282-5692, Town Center 239-415-1015. DAMAGE CONTROL Spending hair. Bring locks RG Cosmetics Collagen Collection. Shampoo adds volume tresses, thicker stronger. restorative Mist mends breakage, split ends dryness Mask fortified provitamin B5, creates thin protective film strands seal moisture Used alone, corrective, ultra-concentrated formulas hair limp damaged full healthy. Havana Hair Salon 239-541-7290, ITS NO SWEAT Being barefoot common occurrence parts. Make tootsies foot forward Fresh Bodys Feet 10.95. all-natural lotion goes liquid dries powder, helping feet dry. aluminum-, paraben- talc-free contains oatmeal irritation tea tree fight bacteria. Market Earth 239-226-0006,, Body sweat-stopping for, ahem, male female PLAY IT SAFE Sunscreen necessity protecting skin harmful UV rays unintended consequences. Goods sunscreens features zinc oxide active ingredient instead commonly oxybenzone, linked endocrine disruption coral-reef bleaching. Zinc provides effective, broad-spectrum protection UVA UVB rays, ingredients organic calendula grown farm, green extract rosehip repair reverse damage. Good formulations kids adults SPF 15.99 spray 21.99. Or reach Sport Butter Stick 15.99, handful oxide, coconut jojoba oil, E, beeswax. Adas Natural 239-939-9600, For Goodness Sake Bonita Springs 239-992-5838, Reviving old-school glamour KRISTINE GILL N Bennett, aka Boom, believes burlesque offer modern ALEXA LUXE ettie wives dash responsibility dressed pants makeup. works accounting car dealership, splits salon studio. week, lead tease, history biblical seven veils, chimes in. wasnt stripping king. wanting knowing influence fashion. No, mean donning corset office. facets period aura seep everyday clothing choices carry themselves. it, onto it--Jayne Mansfield Marilyn Monroe. dress posture. sophistication lost, laments. hold you, legs. acting lady. class, Womens Adult November 2015, teaching dancers skill levels hip-hop jazz. class spun dedicated troupe girls routines performed audience. GLAM BAM February Colosseum Naples. looks aged heights sizes, Everyone relate girl Since then, encores fundraisers private birthday parties. bare skin, youll sexy sexual. Dancers peel beat slink dress, lingerie stays fine expertly toe, tap eight count. question say, proud do, tastefully. 31 costumes worn combination added flair entirely scratch. grew sewing studies college. classically ballerina, threw point window teen, whole self-taught costume making. bed, glue guns spend crafting. Picture rhinestones, feathers tulle. Theyll bra high-waisted panty Victorias Secret, painstakingly affix rhinestones cups, tassels waistband. corset, finish. Another re-created 1,000 Catherine DLish red robe 150 supplies Minnesota craft store JoAnn Fabrics. floor-length chiffon feathery fringe. specializing dancing tangible either skills Confidence, simply. embrace bodies, curves. basis, self-assuredness obvious. wearing, wears old Hollywood regularly bold lip, winged eyeliner classic Monroe dot. Gill freelance Naples originally Ohio. Working moms founded 33 CATHY CHESTNUT 8317 534 36 37 38 LORIDA IS FLUSH TYPES. So, naturally voices visions innumerable cultures, bounding world. accent numerous Interior Designer Julie Albrecht, Robb Stucky Women Mariapia Malerba Mens Canned Ham Vintage Photographer Bridger 41 PHOTOGRAPHERS MILA BRIDGER, Marco setup. dream sketch image appearance try imagined Of setup shoot change directions too. NICK ADAMS, people, expression. speak thousand photograph, trying expressions perfect, professional photographer. landscapes, shot. DENNIS GINGERICH, shots. watch skies forecasts sense situation like. sky boring. Clouds texture, contrast especially sunrise sunset. water photo, reflections double impact. WILLIAM COX, search literature, Google locate locations targeted wildlife, habitats following extensive mainly sites photograph. CLYDE BUTCHER, Venice, Fla. whatever presented experience. However, deep forest black shadows highlights leaves far apart, lousy photo. BUTCHER --Mila 42 COX BRIDGER --Mariapia WOMEN MARIAPIA MALERBA, corporate designer, shes thrown herself couture that, use, daring presentations stage. tough, must concentrate percent. LISSA SCHUESSLER, Skirts, tops dresses wear beach dinner crystal heels, Schuessler Versatility durability name 724s Donned 19-to-22-year-old models Miami garments ardent followers ages 55 60. GWENDOLYN GLEASON, INDI FRANCO ALL RESPECTIVE TITLES Facebook, 413-374-1787 commissions referral, theres emerging aspect Gleasons employ organic, sustainable fabrics heat. Shes expanding brand casual attire, cover-ups, wraps tunics cottons linens India. HELEN GERRO, Punta Gorda 9, led sketching transferring textile Today, Gerro occupies space Artisans Atelier Gorda, visitors create, perhaps select custom design wear. collection dresses, hand-painted. DESIGNER GERRO LIA MARTINO, 16, Martino Chanel model, international designing Chicos caught attention then-CEO Cinny Murray, championed friend mentor. Now launching tentatively Lia. test exploded, SCHUESSLER MALERBA tough. 43 MENS TAILORING RHONDA, 239-278-3878 Rhonda Erol tailoring safe styling men. styles, explains. style, changing fabric variety, WHY STYLE, Owner Sarah LaMont flirty--and reasonably priced. women, key Nordstroms branching empowered closets understand--as opposed chaos CAPE BOYZ, 239-895-5064 T-shirt strong, chances acing else Boyz unique. Creating paths keeps co-owner Frank McNeal Were limited market standards. WEBSTER, Beach Located heart Miamis South Beach, blue, pastel-pink exterior, Webster boutique proving worth drive--especially appetite designer duds. arent cheap, neither quality. CANNED HAM VINTAGE, Sarasota Vogue magazine Walking entering friend. eclectic begin describe 1940s dapper dudes lovely ladies. purchases collectors sources. 44 INTERIOR DESIGNERS JULIE ALBRECHT, Stucky, born interior design. grandparents tailors, grandpa furniture craftsman reupholsterer. fabrics. interns Ive super designers. isnt brain all, constantly anything gets hectic DIANE KNIGHT, Home Furnishings, queen style. personally color warm woods. Fabrics passion. remember trip Brunschwig Fils showroom heaven. MICHAEL BIONDO, Biondo Lifestyle Design, teens, rearranged aunts home. angle, placement done, distinct sitting areas. calling, Michael, CHRISTOPHER MICHIELS, Christopher Michiels Interiors, Hands down, boy spectacular interiors. doubt remains designers talent, discover later path. laying yellow bricks road. --Michael MICHIELS SANIBEL HOME FURNISHINGS ROBB STUCKY 45 tips golf GOLFS HISTORY point--seriously--involved stick rounded lump coal. reportedly evolved Netherlands Dutch kolf club Scotland, refined leather ball. Even Romans bent stick. English nobility gowf, 17th century colf. King James II Scotland prohibited gowf distractions. 1592 listed pursuit avoid Sundays. Ancient Golf Andrews recognized organized clubs pre-dated Musselburgh Links 1600. British Open Champion ship Birkdale 146th tournament. Ultimately hybrid cultures innovations, lying pulled trees adapt. HOW WORKS Golfs novelty amazing. walk ride carts huge tract endowed cattle magpies, soaked funny clothes. Holes normally screened landscaping barriers, almost Birds distractions, mild relaxing noise. Heres smack dimpled ball parcel mallet, hoping hole strokes allows. refine matchheaven forbid, allowed--the assigned hole. Golfers traditionally round, 19th celebrate, tall tales, exaggerate, Millions golfers highest highs, heartbreaking lows. holes, varies Bay Estero, instance, five 18hole courses, elegant amenities applauded. meandering holes boxed couple hundred acres, insulated hazards cart paths, empty jugs, random dogs plodding foursomes loudmouth cellphone parked fairway. courses member-owned, meaning cushion allow competitive scoring, socalled bounce play. case. so-called mostly par meant quick turnaround road noon sales call. ILLUSTRATIONS DAVE HORTON BEST TIP Keep shape handicap endurance flexibility round. Be prepared stretching, practicing swing listening saying. older stretch advance, loosen lower glutes. Nice-and-easy fluid round golf. surefire calamity tightness coupled kill easily. drink plenty Hydration, hydration, hydration Learn moments paradise. FINAL THOUGHT golfs charm buddies, co-workers and, hopefully, spouse, son daughter. nothing strengthening friendships. 47 trusty hybrid, startling sleeve pro shop--skill. Nearly one-third membership historic dating 1959 single-digit handicap, general manager Ed Rodgers, himself 2-handicap assistant 1972. Greens fairway challenges tees measuring 7,000 yards. 18-hole screening bunkers requires shots greens score Lake, Rodgers attracts normal golfers. shot values high-caliber harkens include surrounding residential development. member-formed frustrated crowding season courses. project motion, selling equity shoveling earth Dick Wilson course. Lake. recalls Winkler Myers--the citys facility second-oldest course--was vastness scrub grazing pastures. entire region College Parkway 1959, fact, empty, absorb super-abundance Editor-in-Chief CYPRESS LAKE COUNTRY CLUB sets tees, 5,000 fairways reward excellent placement. Fast undulating TifEagle shortgamers. While use carts, layout ideal player. Wildlife abundant peacefulness sound interferences homes, Course laid Yorks Shinnecock Hills, Seminole, Hill Orlando, Blue Monster Doral, La Costa Lakeside Meadows Greenbrier West Virginia. undergone renovations architect Ron Garl, restored Wilsons original elements. irrigation replaced extended raised drainage driving lengthened widened Stimp rating 11.5, 2.7 included bump practice facilities, large pitching strokes. irons, flags measure iron distances accuracy. Check fees requirements. 6767 Road 239-481-3222 239-481-1333 Year Opened Designed By Fairways Par Tee Marker Options Six PublicPrivate Private, owned. Fees Vary Amenities Tennis leagues, HydroGrid clay lighted courts, Clubhouse 24,000 square feet, service, lunch, Sunday brunch, suites events. Website Saying --Ed 49 100-year celebration, link pioneers, slice heaven names recorded posterityJohn A. Croke, H.T. Bobo, J.M. Mohl A.C. Gillespie. millions rounds hackers areas amateurs, shooting 70s, legends, mythic stature. municipal run gem graced golfing luminaries Arnold Palmer, Walter Hagen, Gene Sarazan, Patty Berg others. socialgolf combo Boulevard. course, finest --Walter legend ELOISE PENNINGTON INSET SOUTHWEST FLORIDA HISTORICAL SOCIETY ort fixture there. has. links shining turns anybody remember, there, nestled snugly Route anniversary Dec. 29. 1917 initially nine-hole celebrated. Rich Lamb centennial tournament 21. devote Lamb, 63, 1976, hes percent history. Legendary Donald Ross designed facility. How deal unreasonable architecture Palmer 8, 1916, Press carried headlines alerting 3,500 residents plans. main headline Can Have Finest Courses. smaller Ross, Noted Architect, Tell Possibilities Tonight. readers paper rank country. joined Inventor Edison directors January 1917. referred Thos. East Orange, N.J. took until reality. Hagen passed rail car. still-new impressed wrote letter dated 31, 1923, Chamber Commerce praised opened, gathered 1929 Open. storied champion Cowie --1916 Horseback riding vogue era. 51 Club, lineup studded champions whose resonate fans 90 Sarazan Hall Famer career won majors. Horton Smith Famer. inaugural Masters Tournament 1934. Willie MacFarlane Won 1925 Denny Shute 1933 PGA 1936 1937. Dudley Cyril Walker 1924 champ. Billy Burke 1931 earned first-place prize money 600. legends. century. junior program countless youngsters estimates 65,000 2.73 golf, 41. Somewhere, smiling. Society. brought Smith, Sarazen celebrity town. 52 forget playgrounds MANDY CARTER Playtime children express themselves freely creatively. S BOTTOM chool session. Vacation kid run, yell summer. Children drawn loud Playing exercise, explore environment, developing muscle coordination. Outdoor cognitive outside, imagination invent games. theyre control, promotes autonomy, decision-making organizational skills. rules games understanding FAVORITE FORT MYERS PLAYGROUNDS Wa-Ke Hatchee Recreation Lakes Regional Rutenburg Community Mantaee playground email mandy featured Facebook why needed. pure Luckily, wonderful loves weve surely energy creativity. location, size equipment but, same. mom blogger blog Digital Content Engagement Editor Beaches, hop SWFL P alm stretches Atlantic farm country northern edge Everglades National Take drive across Sunshine State destination splash ocean expand us, LIONS, MANATEES SEA TURTLES OH, MY Lion Safari drive-through park spot 900 animals divided among sections. Drive vehicle CD informing observe. daughter loved seeing window. grouping zebras ran alongside hour half safari afterward animal displays encounters, feeding experiences, rides, grab on-site restaurant. Loxahatchee 120 miles. Manatee Lagoon FPL Eco-Discovery Center, offering free admission. center engaging manatees sea cows emphasizing protect wildlife. dynamic insight coastal ecosystem. days, view wild manatee herds basking warm-water outflows Power Light Companys Clean Energy Center. 125 Loggerhead Marinelife conservation turtle rehabilitation hospital located Juno Beach. Beaches densely nested loggerhead nesting beaches ages. up-close interaction threatened endangered turtles. Through educational programs, types turtles, cycle humans save visit, Mommy Me paint class. preschoolers. superbly introduce basic biology oceanthemed storytelling hands-on biofact figurine keep. fee souvenir 137 TIME TO RELAX WHILE THEY kid-friendly attractions, relax unwind. rejuvenating spirit, selection spas. Stay Marriott Singer Resort Spa, send indulge pampering Si finalist 2015 Conde Nast Traveler Award. sleek lines sea-inspired dcor spa intersect tones atmosphere upscale. Spa Wellness Month, treatments, wellness discounted rate. n authors Riviera east PLANNING YOUR VISIT Safari, 561-793-1084, Lagoon, 561-626-2833, Marine 561-627-8280, PALM BEACH COUNTY Discover official tourism cities Worth, Boynton Delray 1.4 coastline billion bed-tax revenue 60,000 informational kiosks, rehab tanks, dad Spa. Miami, semi-deserted isle, cell-phone zone oure stranded deserted island. Come cues hot tub fire pit, deck chairs overlooking own, threeroom thatched hut suite indoor showers Refrigerator stocked soft drinks, chilled Champagne Binoculars bird ahead, restaurant food. brochures T-shirts staff 130 fulltime urge Get Lost, type Seas-style resort state mind. Sure, Torch Key pulls dock wooden pier, beach-and-bungalow scene conjures Gilligans Island. kinder, gentler Lost minus plane crash smoke monster. rest drama--meaning peace-seeking pay anywhere 690 per introductory rate off-season 3,190 premium holidays events--are exactly waiting for. welcome Overseas Highway, valet takes bags ferry motor yacht lingo. offered islands rum Gumby Slumber. Along couple, Orest Dorothy Padko, Y DAYNA HARPSTER celebrating wedding anniversary, laugh playfully bicker selfies. tell quips Orest. transport boats Truman, homage Truman conjured Palm. Restrooms Bess Harry, portraits library, television. Cell phones silenced must, duck Outhouse talk. texting teens hear anyone old, allowed. Getting easy. Pathways crushed shells connect guest bungalows dining room, spa, AT GLANCE information, 800-343-8567 bungalow serenity visitors. SEPTOCT2017 715 COURTEY LITTLE ISLAND store, pool. Dotted outposts gathering fishing equipment, kayaks, snorkel gear, packages. giant chessboard gurgling ponds landmarks. birds. stay, placed sliding wood sign outside. wasis terrific, expensive--67 Poached Spiny Lobster Tail Crab Hoppin John husbands Black Pepper Seared N.Y. Strip Steak pink shrimp zucchini succotash. 200-a-day meal paying package. cheesecake bites embellished map Gratuities included. Regular Disney unload wheelbarrow cash. later. why. Unlike frenetic Disney, soothed connected deeply soul mate. Delightful deer swim much-larger Munson owned Boy Scouts America adventure Noble House Resorts, documented surveyor F.H. Gerdes 1849. biography shelved library Keys characters. Steamship gave secretary wife nose setting tale F. Kennedys reporting war PT-109, enclave Caribbean Veterinarians Trust. seized drug bust spared due innocent partner, wood-refinishing guru Homer Formby. husband reflecting fact given away. semi need--and many, more. Harpster Writer husband, Jerry Stawski, lifestyle right.Visitors seaplane boat. Once island, nature, pit beach. 57 Retired heeding theatrical muse hey tirelessly, dedicating careers parenting. retirement. Living stage scare do. --Brenda Kensler CAPTURING MOMENTS lifelong salesman, Lichtcsien 40-year devotee Toastmasters, excelled impromptu speaking. Id meeting, 2005, colon cancer-free returned 2011 diagnosis. Two-plus treatments physically emotionally. series divine mishaps, Bonnie Grossmann, attended improvisational comedy Springs. onstage Toastmasters time, hit. improv classes, formed Harrys Senior Moment core classmates adore rehearsal, debuted Off Cinnamon Cove, 83rd birthday, Avow Hospice WRITING SURGICAL PRECISION S.R. Bob Maxeiner Jr. May 27, 1923. 1950s Surgical Consultants Minnesota, practiced surgeon Patricia, moved immediately Writers Group, 35th There, tribe scribes meets weekly examine books Transplant Web, novel, Wild Asparagus, fiction. theater devotee, 94, ceaselessly seeks Kenslers debut 55. BRENDA KENSLER palliative weeklong gig 2018. feel, him. knows feels, HARRY LICHTCSIEN seated namesake Moment. performers Marilu Holmes seated, Leigh Shein, Steve Cobb Owens. plays, produced Conspiracys Brevity virtue, coach That, lid off. provocative Belief themes long-term commitment, fatherhood, impending death. staged hands Robert Kalfin, Chelsea Theater promise City. TAPPING elementary teacher, inner thespian raising children. perform, afraid Then, 47, neighbor classes. Seven auditioned 42nd Street Arbor, Michigan. 55, tapping productions, Funny Thing Happened Way Forum, Sweet Charity Hair, shed Broadway. Hair. Instead younger Tribe member, Mother. roles, Laboratory thinking, differently. directing Lab Calendar Girls, Frankie Johnny Clair Lune Cabaret, choreograph head. costumes, choreography, directing, casting everything, Recently, notice, understudy bam happened. 59 latest G scene, producers flavor profiles. gin tastes household cleaners, tried party. distilled grains fermented first, redistilled infusing botanicals, notably juniper. Producers oils, cucumber citrus magic botanical mix. martini vodka vermouth, vermouth wine, loses luster days. Many bars sit weeks, months. case, downright bad. reasons martinis fallen favor lead, according Jay Sanders, Coral. jokingly calls gin-thusiast. About Sanders treat Boomsma gin, bright, smooth, sweetness mid-palate spicy Vermouth fills smooths vodka. ounces ounce martini. absence Campari. despite Bond stirred, shaken. According shaken cocktail. explains, Shaking air, oxygen, ice dilution air bury flavors intended receive. rush bar, slowly brands shelves BACKGROUND CAORUNN GIN Birch contributor, well-known personality stirring, gently pouring, garnishing, affection. Besides martini, tonic mixes reintroduce recommends gimlet. lime sugar, refreshing enjoyable, climate. Which staring wall gins selections counting. Caorunn Scottish lemon coriander Haymans, England, versatile mixing. Uncle Vals gins. Botanical smells garden, orange citrus. Restorative juniper overpowering means. Juniper polarizing patrons, does ask London Dry. Barrel oak aging layers wines spirits, whiskey, George Dry Rye Reposado Ransoms Old cocktails. cinnamon, spice vanilla. Try Martinez, warm, comforting cocktail cherry brandy. likes toast float top--perfect fall. Cheers IN. gimlet photos Martinez barrelaged 57s gin-thusiast below Campari 61 Cooking Biancas Ristorante CHICKEN MARISSA Serves 6-ounce chicken lemon, juiced sundried tomatoes Dash goat cheese basil Flour egg, dredging Salt pepper, taste Pound thin. Coat flour, whisk egg dredge mixture. Saut olive heat golden brown. Add butter, cream, salt pepper sauce half. Remove pan, sauce, basil. Serve steamed broccoli 16251 Cleveland Ave., 239-995-3272, DINING GUIDE KEY B Breakfast L Lunch D SB Brunch Banquet Facilities Entertainment Cocktails Beer Wine BLANC Food Epicurean. Start Bread Jenga, toasted bread tower modelled choose entre Robata grill, Lollipops roasted garlic rosemary reduction, Octopus SS, sweet habanero sauce. Blancs menu Almost Entrees, enjoyed table. Relax clean, contemporary ambience savor Chris Whitaker Chef Claude Roge, talents lift Blanc peers. Closed 13451 10, 239-887-3139, BLU SUSHI Cobalt Cool. incredible sushi outrageous cocktails highlight menu, tasty diners prefer steak chicken. 239-489-1500 2262 St., 239-362-2843, COURTSIDE STEAKHOUSE HARBOUR RESORT Beefed Up. Refined wood, brass, leaded subtle theme, steakhouse delivers tastiest butchers breed Angus steaks. 17260 Harbour Pointe Drive, 239-466-4000, CRAVE Cozy Contemporary. Modern American cuisine, Breakfast, omelet variation eggs Benedict. noon, dishes bacon-wrapped meatloaf cedar plank salmon, plus salads sandwiches, hungry diners. brunch packs house, wait--but Restaurant Hours Days Week a.m. Seafood Boat, Freshest 12901 239-466-4663, FIRESTONE Four Brick atmosphere, tires Firestone. filet mignon paella Grille Room tapas Sky Martini Bar Friday Saturday. seasons, fishermen, crabbers trusted partners assure customers grouper, snapper, crab favorite seafood Specialty platters lobster, snow crab, shell king frog legs order. 15820 Tamiami Trail SKIP ONE SEAFOODS 239482-0433 EAT IN, TAKE OUT OR SHIP 2224 239-334-3473, FORDS GARAGE details. 1920s, Henry Ford parts, burgers Low Carb-uretor. beef topped arugula fried water, beer Kona Big Wave Goose 312. SkipOneSeafood_Ver2_MJ17.indd 32917 1047 AM 2207 239-332-3673, PRAWNBROKER Agent Fish. true. Salads, pasta dishes, pleasing palates 1982. Soup salad accompany dinners, Early catch deals 4-7pm. booths, fish nautical details seafaring vibe. 13451-16 239489-2226, UNIVERSITY GRILL Head Class. lunch theater-goers dinner. happy balance 7790 239-4374377, DOC RUM BAR GRILLE Sequel. story--a sequel. based Randy Wayne White character serves Matanzas Pass banana leaf snapper Texas baby-back ribs. Enjoy Wednesday afternoons. 708 Fishermans Wharf, 239765-9660, CENO Family History. homemade spanakopita-fresh spinach, herbs feta, wrapped phyllo dough baked, Marsala, understand Lukas Ceno Grill. Order gyro souvlaki light meal, feast parmesan, wont cannoli dessert miss Hour, M-F, 3-6pm. 1715 W, 239-549-2366, 1719 East, 239-540-3673, MONARCAS AUTHENTIC MEXICAN Authentically Delicious. Rich, carved surrounds peruse Mexican dishes. Sample Monarcas beers Mexico, tequila appetizer. tortillas chips in-house, salsas pico gallo. Monarchas Shrimp Aztec Cocktail favorite, Huarache Michoacano, specialty Michoacan dish featuring 64 sun-kissed sun-desirous alike, vacation plate. Ft. Captiva 2500 Inn Rd. 239-472-8311 Wharf 239-765-9660 5400 Seas Plantation 239-312-4275 Hour Available Details online Visit Us Online Weve Got 65 1249 Blvd. 239-463-5505 thick oval corn tortilla beans, finely chopped onions, tomatillo tip steak. authentic cuisine 1604 SE 46th 239-5409533, MONKEY STEAK SEAFOOD Silly Name, Serious Food. Nico Bogert food, proof palate, Monkey pork chop apple relish Rum Painted Grouper, rice mango Ahi Tuna Salad. steak, eatery title Steakhouse Indoor seating available, nightly. 1428 Lafayette 239-5498800, PARADISE DELI Heavenly Taste. built better. Whether Greek breakfast Philly Cheese dinner, award winning Reuben take-out, catering party 2378 239-292-2378, SUMMERLIN JAKES Deserve This. Richard Howzes depth displayed plate, Filet Mignon mouthwatering Captains Coubion, medallions stock, gulf shrimp, Pine clams, Using highest-quality locally ingredients, flavor. waterfront views backdrop experience, treated music. 17501 239-466-5377, ensure information date. encourage ahead detailed reservations visiting establishments. 66 67 WHERE GO WHAT DO Second Sept. 14, 6pm SoCoSouth Boulevardis event receptions, vendors, music, demonstrations talks, performances, receptions tastings. Self-guided tour, After-party 10pm. Suite 239-590-8645, Performing Hall, 13350 FSW Parkway, 239-481-4849, Walk 20, Third Fridays, dozen participating feature regional talent. 855-7323836, Bluegrass 29, 2pm Irish, ballads Presented partnership Acoustic SWFL. 239-9392787, Isaak Barbara B. Mann 4, 730pm Isaak, rock musician actor, rockcrooner sound, soaring falsetto reverb-laden Orbison 1990s, compared Elvis Presley, Ricky Nelson Duane Eddy. Pops Classical Mystery Tour--A Tribute Beatles 21, Tour Symphony. tunes sung, written. WORKSHOPS Cox landscape wildlife photographers. scheduling workshops instruct finer cityscapes, landscapes single-lens reflex, DSLR, camera. Instruction camera mechanics technical outcomes vs. average. experts guidance lenses, flash, exposure, shutter speeds, f-stops, ISO settings, tripods advantages disadvantages images RAW JPEG discussed. beginning 2491 Ridge Road, Speedway complex. Enrollment students workshop. Cost 180 person, lecture photography Sanibel. Reserve contacting 239-7898945, Save Date Groovin 60s 70s Musical 7-Oct. 7, Wednesdays-Sundays, matinees Victor Legarretas groove 1960s boogie 70s. Songs Midnight Train Georgia, Stayin Alive 239-2784422, Youth Presents Almost, Maine Cariani 15-16, 8pm 17, 3pm cold, moonless winter, quite remote, mythical town Maine. vignettes love, knee-deep whimsy. 239-939-2787, Outside Mullingar, Patrick Shanley 19-Oct. 22, TuesdaysSundays, Pulitzer Prize Tony-winning Doubt Moonstruck. Mullingar follows unlikely romance lovable misfits. Shanleys tenderhearted portrait reminds ArtStage Theater, 2268 239-332-4488, Buyer Cellar, Jonathan Tolins 6-15, Thursdays-Saturdays, pm Sundays, Outrageous fame, cost oddest odd jobs. Alex tell. Pippin 12-Nov. Tuesdays-Sundays, Winner 2013 Revival, magical, unforgettable princes extraordinary. Curious Golden Meatball 20-Nov. matinee All-You-Can-Eat Day Pisghetti. Childrens 239-278-4422, Sylvia, A.R. Gurney 24-Nov. 15, empty-nesters Kate crossroads, Manhattan suburbs. language. 239332-4488, PJ Masks Time Hero, Heroes TV coming Catboy, Oweltte Gekko sneaky villainsRomeo, Night Ninja Luna Girl. Shot Juried Exhibit 6-Nov. Among relatively arrival. photographers photography. reception 6, 5-7pm artistsjuror 6pm. GreenMarket Saturdays, 9am Saturdays exclusive grown, cultivated foods products. musicians kids, gardening cooking chefs. Corals Oktoberfest 20-22 27-29, German Social grounds Road. Billed Munich dancing, refreshments, organizers Gemtlichkeit, translating cheersense belonging. calendar attending 70 GERMAN AMERICAN SOCIAL Wiles Schoolhouse W DOUG GALLOGLY COZY CAT PRESS hats schoolteacher retirement chooses return volunteer solves mysteries spare Diane Weiner Cat Press, 2017, 14.95 exposes buried secrets someone protect. Driving schools jolted thump hood Chadwick, principal, daughter, Lynette, detective police force. Chadwick dead hitting wondering lonely begins investigating. Curiosity dangerous territory shortage suspects Chadwicks sleazy brother-in-law. determined solve mystery, danger. body. murdered dangerous. victim veteran teacher fan Mary Higgins Clark Nancy Drew, eighth installment Weiners series, suspense protagonist youd tea. Jackie. Fall clinics, Yappy adoptions ANN MARIE OPHELAN pet, one. no-kill shelter veterinary services. September, clinic discount rabies shots, October, Scary Bumps Lumps removal services, Galloway, director. MORE GCHS 6-8 hosts Hour. refreshments four-legged pet-friendly shops. adoptable pets Proceeds benefit shelter. Farmers Market, Thursdays, a.m.-1 Centennial bridge overpass 239-332 0364, dogs, cats furry rabbits pocket pets. Volunteers pet. GCHSs Adoption week. BRIAN WIERIMA JEREMY SPINK dog cat ee 1-31. spay neuter vaccinations, license older, heartworm flea worming, microchip IDs, 10-day guarantee Those interested submit adoption application approval prior animal. approved, assist parties hours, Monday-Saturday, 1030 330 volunteers certified trainer manners leash care, Karen Fordiani, specialist Services. pet temperament-tested floor, tested groups. gives compatibility animals. LCDAS guinea pigs. selecting LCDASs Monday-Saturday. Services, 239-533-7387, leegov.comanimalservices SAVE OFF COVER PRICE ONLINE SUBSCRIBE FIND HIDDEN RECEIVE MAGAZINE SUBSCRIPTION ADDITIONAL YEAR AN INSULATED LUNCH BAG. Hidden Word Reading Pleasure Bag exp. 113117 rates apply Internet orders only. Web site TOLL FREE fax 800.472.0635 Gift subscriptions SubPage_ND16.indd 1256 75 PAY SPECIAL ATTENTION THESE DATES Full moon September degrees Pisces Virgofocus health. Virgoclarifying Aries Librabrings unexpected Libralook last-minute opportunities. Mercury Leo 5start Astrological Forecast HAGAN, ASTROLOGER serious hard. efforts appreciated rewarded quickly. merit developed. Venus, planet, overtakes Mars 5, ARIES MARCH APRIL ruler changes signs Virgo causing shift Personal Signs TAURUS MAY Home, horoscope. agenda. relationships featured. GEMINI JUNE endeavor. outlet appeals Writing forte, speaking, list accomplishments. particularly enjoyable lively sister possibility inheritance. Changes affect finances favorable way. chart stress, relax. Wait buying Cancers CANCER JULY Finances seem favored. want. project, diet, need, pleased it--and enthusiasm moon. LEO AUGUST sign, easier. energy, natural-born hardworking communicator, pursue want, writing, 20. VIRGO SEPTEMBER frame push agenda favored shape. LIBRA OCTOBER good-luck sign. decide Joining club, trip, redecorating possibilities. big. SCORPIO NOVEMBER Pluto youve suddenly smoothly. Scorpios self-demanding done. stubborn. moves Scorpio. Plan SAGITTARIUS DECEMBER troublesome problems solved. Thank heavens Suddenly worrying. jolly please. foreign CAPRICORN JANUARY entered cycle, best-suited zodiac handle challenging opportunities, ones rejected. Capricorns develop businesses, turn-around expert revitalizes company sees innovative profitably. happen charge. decisions, altogether new. slow, although Aquarian thinking. intelligent unusual zodiac--an inventor new-idea picture coming, probably longlasting decisions. Proceed sure-footed AQUARIUS FEBRUARY Uranus finishing transit Aries. PISCES Neptune usual. beach, yet, Think property preferably Caribbean, sail Water calming healthful effect fond weather. psychic steadily stronger, thoughts. Hagan astrologer Professional Member Federation Astrologers PMAFA. articles astrology magazines television appearances Morning Maury Povich Show. 1976 established Virginia Virginia, horoscopes, tarot cards bono Homicide Division. horoscopes telephone card readings. 239-4726925 77 alloween reflect society. different, Peter Letsos, Megastore firms year-round stores, empire temporary Tuesday. Wonder Woman, Despicable Minions, Justice League Star Wars costumed kiddies neighborhoods. guessed zombies, cowboys Expect trick o treaters movie characters, whimsy cowgirls, rubbery monsters, pirates mishmash whimsy, daring, Letsos scary retailers figuring out, adds, merchandisers scouring sources stock shelves, entice average is, actually, pretty exciting, MINUTE CLEANERS 239.466.5115 16970-1 Carlos Blvd Publix Shopping Thru Service Cleaning Laundry Alterations Bedspreads Draperies Wedding Gown Specialists M-F 7am-7pm Sat 8am-3pm Work Done Premises 239.433.2038 Serving ANTS BUGS PEST Servicing Pet Friendly Environmentally Responsible Same Day, Weekend Evening ACCENT BUSINESS PRODUCTS 239.939.0077 CopierPrinterScanners Printer Supplies Print Recovery Management RON SONS SECURITY ANDSOUND 239.481.2949 8941 Sales Installation Security Alarm Systems AudioVideo Theaters Radio Intercom System Central Vac 239.728.7708 MyersSanibel CLAUDIOS MANAGEMENT Claudio Treviso Name Know Trust Termite Treatment Pest Control ALTERATIONS RITA 239.437.7482 11595 Rd, 211 Quality Experience Call Appointment Mon-Fri Playful USA recreation spaces, coveted D.C., nonprofit. CITY earns designation, kind annually D.C.-based nonprofit cities. nonprofit, KaBOOM, D.C. perished abandoned agency helped 2,000 playgrounds. tag towns box, challenged movies park, green-space co-sponsored agencies, 1.6 budget. picked recognition, designations USA. 260 receive award. VOLUME 4.95 Display VOL. NO. Published GM_Cover_SO17.indd 732 908